Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another Hummid Day

  We had our MILLIONITH tornado watch and warnings yesterday, very intense. I'm not sure why all of a sudden these tornados are showing up every other day. We broke a record on how many tornados we had this year, I'm even amazed! As long as I have lived here, I have never seen this many tornados happen at once. There was every now and then we had one, we eve had only 5 one year, now it's record 300. That's a huge leap! I pray for those that are hurt from the swarm we've been having this year, those that are in; Missouri, Middle Tennessee, Alabama, and Gerogia. Shoot! I pray for all of us to make it through this season!
   Anyway... I'm sitting here, working on my crawfish gumbo. The flood water went down a lot, so my husband and I went out crawfishing. We were really bummed out due to the fact that the crawfish we were getting wern't really that big! It baffled me because we ALWAYS get great big crawfish every year, but for some reason we haven't been getting what we usually get. My husband was fed up and decides he wants to get the big one by digging and sticking his hand down a crawfish hole! I sighed and shook my head at how, what you could call, "Adventurous and Spontanious he is." I told him that it was a stupid idea because he wasn't %100 sure what he was grabbing at.
   The way you can tell what is a snake hole and a crawfish hole is that crawfish dig on the side of ditches or hills or any sloped area, dig up and they make huge mounds on top of the ground that look like ginormous ant hills. They're night predators and they feed at night. So, If you want to set a crawfish trap of any sort, your best time would be during the day. They like fish, the smelliest is the best kind! You can find them in the fields or in ditches. In the water, Mike likes to throw his casting net.
   This season is starting off pretty slow, can't run any trout lines for catfish because the marine battery we have is no good. We have customers that are wanting their Catfish and Spoonbill and they're getting restless! Our business is not going well with all this drastic floods and sudden drops in the water... Every fishermen entrepenuer's WORST nightmare. Last year, we were pulling them in like it was NOTHING! We sold over 200 lbs worth of catfish and they were STILL coming, now... It seems like mother nature has it out for us this year. :( Giving us one heck of a challenge! I'm just praying that all of our fundings this pay period can go to a better battery and get us out there!
   It's hard, but you have to stick it out and hope for the best. Down here, working hard is a way of life and even though we're not starting out well this season, we still try and manage the best we can by giving it our all. Isn't that in everyone's motto? ;-)

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