Monday, May 23, 2011

Pish Push the Rain!

       It has been verfied over the news that we are going to get a whole bunch of rain for the next week, none stop.  I have only seen a few heavy showers at night and dingey during the day time, which means bad news for my garden.  They manage to survive these unpredictable weather conditions since we planted them during the month of April, wasn't our best choice, but it seemed to work out!  We were supposed to wait until the 10th of May, but that just didn't seem logical to us.  I'm glad it worked out though, I would have been so upset if all our hard work would just wither away.
       We have our; Squash, Bell Pepper, Tomatos, Banana Pepper, Onion, Romain Lettuce, Egg Plant, Broccoli, Zucchini, Strawberry, Melon, and Water Melon plants. Mike is so proud of our work and we hope to start processing and canning foods here not too long from now. You see the gas prices rising sky high along with the price of food and you wonder, why should I have to put up with this? The way I was raised was that you didn't have to run all the way to the store to get what you need, you had everything you need here. Take care of the land and the land will take care of you, no doubt.  I'm not like a city slicker, I live in the country and I always have lived in the country... I wouldn't change none of it for the world!
        My little sister and I have the same dad, but not the same mom and she lives where I'm from, California.  Yeah I talked to her on my 22nd birthday and she asked my sister and I, "When are you guys going to move out here back to California?" I stood there and drifted my eyes towards my sister, not knowing what to say.  I love my little sister and I would love nothing but to be around her all the time, but that's too much of a cultural change for me!  And I told her that, it would be too much of a cultural shock for me if I were to just up and move to the city.  I already know how people would look at me, believe me I know how Californians act!  I plan on going out there to visit her and the rest of my familia, but it'll only be a visit.  They like to make fun of me and my accent, but it'll be a lot of fun for them to gawk at the little Californian girl turning in to a little Dixie Southern Belle.  Honestly, nothing better! ;-)

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