Saturday, June 18, 2011

Great Days Ahead!

I have FINALLY got myself registered so that I may get my RN, when that is done then I am off to get my BSN. I have a wonderful job waiting for me when I'm finished and I am so ready to do this! It's tough, but it has to be done and if you have dreams you have a chance to make them a reality! Down here we're having very troubled economic issues, I watched the News the other day and the politicians in Memphis are actually considering a government shutu down if they don't find an answer with the budgets. Yes, Tennessee is broke and it is getting even broker with them giving the people in higher power better raises and not drug testing everyone of welfare and food stamps. Kentucky has started doing that and their budget problems are getting resolved!
Yes, you watch Memphis Beat and Memphis seems like a glamourous place to be. Though that may be, but looks are decieving. The budget problem is so bad that they had to film Memphis Beat in New Orleans because Memphis was asking WAY too high of a filming charge, if it's expensive for TNT then you know we must be in some trouble. It disturbs me because I hope things are stable when I get down there and starting my life in the city. I may not like working in the city, but it's what I have to do. This job I will have will be worth it, but I'm not saying I'm going to live in the city. No no no! I plan on living a little bit out of city limits, still near civilization but considered the country. My heart belongs here and though my husband wants to move to Kentucky... I just don't know what to say about that.
Which we can't do a whole lot because he's planning on having a job on the rail roads down in Memphis, so we can't go a lot of a places at this point. Considering we will both have wonderful jobs in Memphis, huh. Guess not! :) I can't deal with not living in my fellow confederate states, but Tennessee worries me. Though I spent most of my life here, I can't believe where it's going. Mike has no problem with leaving, but I find it a problem because this is all I know. He can't expect me to just adapt to it willy nilly, not going to happen. Though I'm not %100 sure I want to continue living on this side of Tennessee, I think I just might live in Desoto County, Mississippi. My sister's boyfriend told us how it is down there and that they are considering living there themselves. That would be great not only to work with my sister in the same enviorment, but still live by her too!
I have a good relationship with my sister and she's the only sister I have that lives close by. Also, I grew up with her... She raised me when my mother did not. My mother worked and took care of my elderly grandparents as they were growing weak to their age. I have a great connection with her, even though we fight like cats and dogs sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister in California... But I could never live there. I do plan on visiting her every chance that I get, but impossible to live there. Too fast for me! :-)
What I want to do is just go there and visit my relatives and just start talking to them. I think they would get a kick out of my lifestyle and accent, glad I can be a humor target. Why I say this? Because if they are anything like me... Then i have something coming! lol! I have been talking to my cousins that are in the military and they just get a huge kick out of my voice, hard to talk to them sometimes. :-P I'd like to come up there and throw them some true living their way. :-)
Anyways, I'm blogging late at night because I haven't updated my blog like I was supposed to. I have pictures of how much Crawfish we caught Monday, ridiculous! Believe it or not I actually caught some of these with a piece of bacon! :-D I tied fishing string to a bamboo stick and tied it to a piece of bacon. I would hold them over the Crawfish we saw in the ditches, the woods, their holes in the woods and fields, and under the bridges! FUN! Casting a net is okay, but fishing with bacon made it funner! lol! Something to consider to try if you want an easy meal! Makes great with just eatting and making Jumbalya and Gumbo! FIRE! :-D Oh yeah, big New Orleans trip August 11th! Can't wait y'all~! Those who are following, have a blessed day and I hope you're enjoying my thoughts and expiriences! 

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