Monday, July 11, 2011

Lawn.. It's Just Too Dang Hott!

  Let's just start things off with just saying stay hydrated this summer! It is too freaking hot to be sipping on soda all the time! Easier said than done, for most of us I do know this. o.o* My lawn looks terrible because it's too hot to push mow 10 achres! Well, we let the back yard grow up because... Well Hell! We only have a push mower! I can't push mow 10 achres... I would die! It is hot! It's 100 degrees outside and the humidity is outrages. It makes it feel like it's 110!
  Yeah, it's hard to get such things nowadays... It's really hard when my husband is the only one working. We have these dreams of me completing nursing school and I will be able to give us the provision like I'm supposed to. Where we can have whatever we want, I just now we will some day. I appriciate everything he's doing and sacrificing and I couldn't be a luckier woman to have such a man. Once you know you have a great companion... Hold on to them tight and don't let go. There is only one of that person!
  He will be working on the Mississippi River as a Deck Hand while I'm going to school... It'll be hard and I will miss him. He's a distraction from school, not that it's a bad thing, but all I want to do is be around him all the time and I know I can't do that. Sorry, I can't help myself. :)) It's important and if I love my husband I will get up and stick it out.
  Anyways, things are looking good in the future... From what I see. :)
  I find myself actually getting to that point where things make sense now. I live day by day knowing that my son is watching over me in heaven. His father and I love him very much and miss him everyday. I look at his daddy and I see him, they looked almost identical!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Great Days Ahead!

I have FINALLY got myself registered so that I may get my RN, when that is done then I am off to get my BSN. I have a wonderful job waiting for me when I'm finished and I am so ready to do this! It's tough, but it has to be done and if you have dreams you have a chance to make them a reality! Down here we're having very troubled economic issues, I watched the News the other day and the politicians in Memphis are actually considering a government shutu down if they don't find an answer with the budgets. Yes, Tennessee is broke and it is getting even broker with them giving the people in higher power better raises and not drug testing everyone of welfare and food stamps. Kentucky has started doing that and their budget problems are getting resolved!
Yes, you watch Memphis Beat and Memphis seems like a glamourous place to be. Though that may be, but looks are decieving. The budget problem is so bad that they had to film Memphis Beat in New Orleans because Memphis was asking WAY too high of a filming charge, if it's expensive for TNT then you know we must be in some trouble. It disturbs me because I hope things are stable when I get down there and starting my life in the city. I may not like working in the city, but it's what I have to do. This job I will have will be worth it, but I'm not saying I'm going to live in the city. No no no! I plan on living a little bit out of city limits, still near civilization but considered the country. My heart belongs here and though my husband wants to move to Kentucky... I just don't know what to say about that.
Which we can't do a whole lot because he's planning on having a job on the rail roads down in Memphis, so we can't go a lot of a places at this point. Considering we will both have wonderful jobs in Memphis, huh. Guess not! :) I can't deal with not living in my fellow confederate states, but Tennessee worries me. Though I spent most of my life here, I can't believe where it's going. Mike has no problem with leaving, but I find it a problem because this is all I know. He can't expect me to just adapt to it willy nilly, not going to happen. Though I'm not %100 sure I want to continue living on this side of Tennessee, I think I just might live in Desoto County, Mississippi. My sister's boyfriend told us how it is down there and that they are considering living there themselves. That would be great not only to work with my sister in the same enviorment, but still live by her too!
I have a good relationship with my sister and she's the only sister I have that lives close by. Also, I grew up with her... She raised me when my mother did not. My mother worked and took care of my elderly grandparents as they were growing weak to their age. I have a great connection with her, even though we fight like cats and dogs sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister in California... But I could never live there. I do plan on visiting her every chance that I get, but impossible to live there. Too fast for me! :-)
What I want to do is just go there and visit my relatives and just start talking to them. I think they would get a kick out of my lifestyle and accent, glad I can be a humor target. Why I say this? Because if they are anything like me... Then i have something coming! lol! I have been talking to my cousins that are in the military and they just get a huge kick out of my voice, hard to talk to them sometimes. :-P I'd like to come up there and throw them some true living their way. :-)
Anyways, I'm blogging late at night because I haven't updated my blog like I was supposed to. I have pictures of how much Crawfish we caught Monday, ridiculous! Believe it or not I actually caught some of these with a piece of bacon! :-D I tied fishing string to a bamboo stick and tied it to a piece of bacon. I would hold them over the Crawfish we saw in the ditches, the woods, their holes in the woods and fields, and under the bridges! FUN! Casting a net is okay, but fishing with bacon made it funner! lol! Something to consider to try if you want an easy meal! Makes great with just eatting and making Jumbalya and Gumbo! FIRE! :-D Oh yeah, big New Orleans trip August 11th! Can't wait y'all~! Those who are following, have a blessed day and I hope you're enjoying my thoughts and expiriences! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

At Last!!

   Last night we had the pleasuable opportunity to catch some big crawfish! It was great! There was so many that we couldn't even keep up with them to put in the cooler! I loved it! I would have put pictures up of them but the tank water is dirty. I have to clean it out before the new load comes in. I was actually told by my husband that someone has a lead on where we can catch to two to three inch crawfish! He's out checking out the honey hole with our friend, Wheeler and the neighbor. I, on the other hand, have to go in to town today... A friend of mine's funeral is today and I have been missing his viewings all weekend. I didn't knwo where it was located at and what time it was, so I missed them. I know the time of the funeral though.
    It's sad because we all loved Curtis, he was a jerk every now and then, but he was special to all of us. We "Creek Kids" stick together and we lost one of them Thursday night. Well, last night I was able to harvest a whole bunch of squash, squash grow excellent up here, and some broccoli. I saw my banana peppers growing really rapidly, I still have yet to see my tomatos grow, the plants are growing nice... I'm just waiting on the tomatos to actually grow.
   Anyways, when I get home my hubby gunna have some fish fried up... He's really good with cooking fish. Don't get me wrong, I can cook some fish like it ain't nothing... But my hubby can spice it up like no other! Can't wait to-maybe- actually spend some time with him today. He has been spending most of his days off with our friends, which I haven't really gotten around them because they have a newborn and my heart is still broken. Maybe one day I'll get over myself, which I have to soon if I'm going to be working at a childrens hospital. Well... All I can do is hope that I heal from this.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Peaks

   Ahhh, Summer in the South! Humid! No, we don't like it, but it has it's advantages. It's something that has to be adapted to, as for living in the South, it's as if you're swimming as you're walking. I tried to lay out the other day, but I was drecnhed! I would try to open my eyes and it was like I was opening my eyes underwater. Hopefully I can start trying to even out my tan soon... It's already hitting over 100 degrees.
   Well, hopefully I can start harvesting the rest of my vegies soon! I justs aw my squash and they are growing maverlously! My banana peppers are just starting to sprout and as for my bell peppers... Well, hopefully they'll come along. Oh! My cucumbers, gorgeus! My cantalope is coming along and so is the watermelon, which I'm surprised. Why? Well, the unpredictable weather should have killed them off... But no! They are going strong! The lettuce and the onions are doing great aswell, can't wait! BTW, DON'T GET THE TOPSY TURVY! THAT SHIT DON'T WORK!
   We're running a trout line this Monday, got a good lead on where some huge catfish are biting like crazy! Unfortunely the person who told me was a dear friend of mine for years and he passed away, R.I.P Curtis Sherrod! You will be missed! We saw him when we were at the Creek trying to throw the cast net out, he was on his four wheeler and he told us where we can get some good ones. Well, we got some great crawfish! They're bigger now! :))
   While I'm thinking about it, they economy sucks where I'm at... My county has the worst unemployment in West Tennessee! They want to charge the businesses %40 of their profit right on the spot, even before they make any money! It's ridiculous! This town sucks anyway, so that's why my husband and I are leaving the first chance we get! I have to get my RN first and then we will be able to move to Memphis... It's not as great as most people think, Memphis sucks. Mike wants to live on the out skirts of Memphis, hopefully we can. Why do we want to move to Memphis if it's so bad? I ahve to go to Nursing School there to get my BSN. I'm way better off if I get my BSN, people will hire me quciker. Plus, my sister works at LeBohnuer Childrens Medical Center, my son got her the job there. Our family is very famous there because he had a severe case of HLHS... He got me a job there too when I'm ready! I would really rather have him... But beggers can't be choosers, God had another plan for him. He's making sure that I take care of his brothers and sisters when the time comes for us to have another. Wish us luck! :))

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another Hummid Day

  We had our MILLIONITH tornado watch and warnings yesterday, very intense. I'm not sure why all of a sudden these tornados are showing up every other day. We broke a record on how many tornados we had this year, I'm even amazed! As long as I have lived here, I have never seen this many tornados happen at once. There was every now and then we had one, we eve had only 5 one year, now it's record 300. That's a huge leap! I pray for those that are hurt from the swarm we've been having this year, those that are in; Missouri, Middle Tennessee, Alabama, and Gerogia. Shoot! I pray for all of us to make it through this season!
   Anyway... I'm sitting here, working on my crawfish gumbo. The flood water went down a lot, so my husband and I went out crawfishing. We were really bummed out due to the fact that the crawfish we were getting wern't really that big! It baffled me because we ALWAYS get great big crawfish every year, but for some reason we haven't been getting what we usually get. My husband was fed up and decides he wants to get the big one by digging and sticking his hand down a crawfish hole! I sighed and shook my head at how, what you could call, "Adventurous and Spontanious he is." I told him that it was a stupid idea because he wasn't %100 sure what he was grabbing at.
   The way you can tell what is a snake hole and a crawfish hole is that crawfish dig on the side of ditches or hills or any sloped area, dig up and they make huge mounds on top of the ground that look like ginormous ant hills. They're night predators and they feed at night. So, If you want to set a crawfish trap of any sort, your best time would be during the day. They like fish, the smelliest is the best kind! You can find them in the fields or in ditches. In the water, Mike likes to throw his casting net.
   This season is starting off pretty slow, can't run any trout lines for catfish because the marine battery we have is no good. We have customers that are wanting their Catfish and Spoonbill and they're getting restless! Our business is not going well with all this drastic floods and sudden drops in the water... Every fishermen entrepenuer's WORST nightmare. Last year, we were pulling them in like it was NOTHING! We sold over 200 lbs worth of catfish and they were STILL coming, now... It seems like mother nature has it out for us this year. :( Giving us one heck of a challenge! I'm just praying that all of our fundings this pay period can go to a better battery and get us out there!
   It's hard, but you have to stick it out and hope for the best. Down here, working hard is a way of life and even though we're not starting out well this season, we still try and manage the best we can by giving it our all. Isn't that in everyone's motto? ;-)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pish Push the Rain!

       It has been verfied over the news that we are going to get a whole bunch of rain for the next week, none stop.  I have only seen a few heavy showers at night and dingey during the day time, which means bad news for my garden.  They manage to survive these unpredictable weather conditions since we planted them during the month of April, wasn't our best choice, but it seemed to work out!  We were supposed to wait until the 10th of May, but that just didn't seem logical to us.  I'm glad it worked out though, I would have been so upset if all our hard work would just wither away.
       We have our; Squash, Bell Pepper, Tomatos, Banana Pepper, Onion, Romain Lettuce, Egg Plant, Broccoli, Zucchini, Strawberry, Melon, and Water Melon plants. Mike is so proud of our work and we hope to start processing and canning foods here not too long from now. You see the gas prices rising sky high along with the price of food and you wonder, why should I have to put up with this? The way I was raised was that you didn't have to run all the way to the store to get what you need, you had everything you need here. Take care of the land and the land will take care of you, no doubt.  I'm not like a city slicker, I live in the country and I always have lived in the country... I wouldn't change none of it for the world!
        My little sister and I have the same dad, but not the same mom and she lives where I'm from, California.  Yeah I talked to her on my 22nd birthday and she asked my sister and I, "When are you guys going to move out here back to California?" I stood there and drifted my eyes towards my sister, not knowing what to say.  I love my little sister and I would love nothing but to be around her all the time, but that's too much of a cultural change for me!  And I told her that, it would be too much of a cultural shock for me if I were to just up and move to the city.  I already know how people would look at me, believe me I know how Californians act!  I plan on going out there to visit her and the rest of my familia, but it'll only be a visit.  They like to make fun of me and my accent, but it'll be a lot of fun for them to gawk at the little Californian girl turning in to a little Dixie Southern Belle.  Honestly, nothing better! ;-)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For Starters...

For the longest time people have had their own looks upon the people of the South. Hopefully some of my bloggings will show that not all of us meet the sterotypes of the "Southern Redneck." My husband was born in Missouri but I, myself, was born in California and moved down here to the state of Tennessee when I was just knee high to a grasshopper. My family consists of Mexicans, French Bausque, French Cajun and Cherrokee Indians from both sides. I have adapted well growing up down here, I don't see any reason to return to the city because my heart belongs here.
I mean, there is nothing like it! You live off the land, you work for the land and the land works for you, you look outside and see a deer, you stare up at the night sky and count every star you see, you sit along side of the river bank and watch the barges sail by while you reminise with you friends around a Bon Fire, cook catfish straight on the bank after you done caught it, people wave at you, people stop and help you if you look like you're in a bind, sweet tea is like no other, just good ol' Southern Hospitality.
I know there is some things I don't like as well. Such as; The heat (Choke to death), the mosquitos (Size of dinosaurs), everything can kill you, there are 3,000 different species of spiders and 2,988 are in the South, I've seen a Couger approach my back door and stare at me, and Tornados and Floods are the worst. Like anywhere else, the South has its ups and downs but I know for a fact that no where else in this entire world can beat what we have down here and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.